Monday, April 14, 2008

Let's try this out!

Hi, everyone!
I think this will be a fun way for us all to keep it touch, now that we're all spread out. I'm completely new at this--y'all will be much better than I--so let's give it a go.


  1. This sounds like a plan! Maybe with one location, I'll be able to focus and keep in touch?

  2. We're in. :) Things are crazy here but we are very blessed. how is everyone else. And congrats to Breanna and her hubby for graduating!
    Theresa and Mario

  3. Ha! I can finally use this account for something!!

  4. Oh my gosh!! Maya is alive!! Maya call me! Email! Anything! We miss you!! :)

    This is a great idea Miriam. Thank you for setting it up.

    I am so proud of Breanna and loved seeing the beautiful pictures on her website.

    Richard and the girls send their love as well.


  5. Thanks, everyone!
    Please be sure to sign your name when you post (as most of you did)--you can post on the blog itself, too, y'know, since you all have the password--otherwise it just shows up as "the Thompson Family". :-)


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow, Blogging......Hi everybody!
    Thanks for all the congrats, we're really excited to finally get those pieces of paper that tell the world we're qualified for something, not sure what a history and MFHD degree mean to the world, but hey we did it right? Now that that long chapter of education draws to a close (I realized I've been in school for 17 years straight--starting with Kindergarten)...I'm actually considering grad school, but since I hadn't really thought about it until now, I wouldn't even be able to apply until January, so we'll see. Matt has a couple different job opportunities that he's looking at but we'll likely take one in Utah or California. Better get back to studying for my final finals (at least for now). Love you all.
